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Culture 4 My Kids, Inc. (C4MK) is a nonprofit organization that works with families, schools, and community centers throughout the state of Virginia to provide a cultural, historical, academic and artistic outlet for youth of all ages. We implement our programs through education and cultural arts to connect with and make a significant impact on the youth.


Servicing approximately 500-1500 youth each year, Culture 4 My Kids, Inc. is dedicated to magnifying the empowering voices of the youth. By understanding their past, our students are able to gain appreciation of their diverse origins. This allows them to build and re-build a positive self-image and create a more solid future. We pride ourselves in building life long relationships with the families that we serve.


The programs that Culture 4 My Kids, Inc. run invest in the child, the community, and the future. C4MK builds long lasting relationships with the young people that we serve. It takes a village to raise a child and we work hard to provide that village setting in which families can connect and support each other. Our commitment to family, tradition, and the village runs 24 hours, 365 days a year.


The work that we do is essential to the cultural development of our youth and our communities. Your contribution will secure that our mission continues and endures.



In the Calabash Village, we explore folktales from all over Africa and beyond. By using storytelling as a method to keep culture alive, we also cover the knowledge of narrative elements, character development, creation of our own stories, and understanding cultural lessons.


Other cultural and educational topics will be examined as we navigate our teachable moments. Additionally, we will explore elements of good character and what is missing when we don’t tell our own stories.



This project was supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.


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Invite C4MK for a Storytelling Session

Invite C4MK to your next event and provide your audience with a truly unique experience - a Storytelling Session. Our storytelling sessions provide a cultural outlet for children through our partnerships between organizations, schools, and families. We create a powerful storytelling experience that will leave a lasting impact on your group.

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Become an Intern with C4MK

We have various internship positions available for high school and college students. Internships require access to a phone and a personal computer. Interns must be able to commit to 5 hours per week and attend regular meetings.


Submit a letter of interest to (VCU students can apply via handshake). 

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Become a Volunteer with C4MK

At Culture4MyKids, we are always looking for a way to engage the youth in leadership opportunities.  Young people, ages 14+ may accumulate volunteer hours throughout the school year with our organization.  All interested students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher and must be able to attend a pre-community service meeting.


If you or your child is interested, please contact us at to apply.

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Become a C4MK Board Member

Becoming a board member of C4MK is a great way to use your professional skills to make a lasting impact on your community. As a board member, you will have the opportunity to assist in the strategic design and development of C4MK.


Your donation supports us in ensuring that our young people are equipped with quality services and safe spaces to learn and grow!


Send a check:


Culture 4 My Kids, Inc.

620 Moorefield Park Dr, STE 211

Richmond, VA 23236

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